Praktika / Töökoht

Töösisu kirjeldus

We are excited to announce that applications for our 2025 international internship programs are open again!

We are looking for candidates from every field. We prepare future leaders and innovators to introduce positive changes in the food industry. Regardless of specialization, everyone can contribute to market transformation.

This program is dedicated to students from RIS countries, and we encourage applications from:
✔ BSc graduates
✔ MSc or PhD students
✔ Individuals who completed their studies within the last two years

Ootused kandidaadile

The application process consists of three steps:
Submit your application, including a 1-minute self-presentation video.
Attend a 3-hour online workshop to meet applicants from across RIS countries and participate in an interactive group game.
Take part in online recruitment meetings with a mentor from the host company.


The Benefits of the Internship
· Matching candidates with specific internship areas offered by hosting companies
· Hands-on experience in solving real work-related problems of organizations
· Development of skills like creative problem-solving and critical thinking
· Monthly gross grant of 1,500€ (Fellowships) - 2,000€ (Talents) to support expenses
· Mentorship from a high-profile expert in the field
· Exposure to different work methods and perspectives
· Enhancement of CV, contacts, and opportunities for professional life
· Cultural immersion and international exposure
· Opportunities for students and researchers from EIT Regional Innovation Scheme regions

More info and apply form:


Kandideerimine kestab kandideerimisperioodi lõpuni.

11.02.2025 - 16.03.2025