Internship / Job


Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Position address
Akadeemia tee 3
Required languages
Estonian, English

Details about the role

The project CITYAM equips cities with tools to improve airspace management in dealing with emerging urban air mobility and scaling drone operations. through close transnational cooperation, CITYAM is working to provide the ingredients and tools for a solid UAM strategy, to adapt city planning practices in relation to landing site and airspace management, and also to scale city-owned drone operations as part of a multimodal transport system. Increasing public officials’ capabilities, and measuring public acceptance are key to this work. Through CITYAM, the Baltic Sea region will strengthen its European frontrunner role in UAM and lead the way for local authorities to shape a responsible and sustainable use of the air in our cities.

The responsibility of Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance is to develop an evaluation framework for impact and process assessment in the project and to carry out such assessment.

The responsibilities and tasks of the project assistant are the following:
• Research assistance: gathering materials and data, carrying out literature review;
• Assistance related to carrying out the impact and process assessment: transcription of interviews, help with putting together the final report;
• Administrative tasks related to organising Tallinn-Helsinki UAM joint seminar;
• To engage in the administration of the project in accordance to the EU’s and the university’s directions.

Expectations for the candidate

A successful candidate should have:
• A minimum of Bachelor’s degree, preferably in social sciences, business administration;
• Excellent command of Estonian and English;
• Proven work experience in community engagement and dissemination activities;
• Capacity to work both independently and as part of a team;
• Capacity and willingness to provide assistance in organisational/reporting tasks relevant to the project.


• Up to 9-months working in one of the largest, most internationalized and leading social science research centres in Estonia with a large portfolio of ongoing pan-European and national public administration, digital governance and innovation studies projects;
• Opportunities for traveling in accordance with project duties;
• Experience and connections in working with city administrations and organisations from six European cities;
• The exact workload will be negotiated during the hiring process. Tasks and salary will be adjusted according to the project’s needs after a probationary period. The position will be financed by the European Union's Interreg BSR programme (Project No #C030).

• A letter of motivation;
• A curriculum vitae.

WORKLOAD: part-time (up to 20 hours - exact workload will be negotiated during the hiring process)
EMPLOYMENT PERIOD: 01.04.2025 – 31.12.2025
Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance is opening a project assistant position. The work will take place in the context of the project titled as “CITYAM”, led by Dr. Jaanus Müür

Applying for a job

One can apply until the end of the application period.

Application period
04.03.2025 - 20.03.2025