Praktika / Töökoht

Application Security Engineer (intern)

IT - muu
IT arendus
Tasustatud praktika
Playtech Estonia
Töökoha aadress
Vanemuise 7, Tartu / Lõõtsa 5, Tallinn
Nõutav keeleoskus

Töösisu kirjeldus

Ready to level up your career?

Playtech‘s Security unit is looking for a proactive Application Security Engineer Intern with excellent communication and problem-solving skills.

NB! The application period is open until the 22nd of March.

Your influential mission. You will...

- Help build automation to enhance security team processes and systems
- Work closely with security and engineering teams to identify, analyze, and mitigate security vulnerabilities
- Acquire insight into software and tools portfolio, architecture, and platforms
- Assist in securing applications by exploring and implementing security best practices
- Support development by using commercial and open-source security technologies

Ootused kandidaadile

Components for success. You...

- Have an interest in cybersecurity and application security
- Are positive and proactive
- Have great analytical skills and can find solutions to problems
- Have great written and spoken English
- Have higher education in the field of IT (of related, or in progress)

You'll get extra points for...

- Understanding of secure software development lifecycle
- Having experience with at least one programming language (Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.)
- Familiarity with any security tools like Burp Suite, OWASP ZAP, SAST/DAST tools or other similar
- Having scripting experience
- Knowledge of secure coding and design practices


Thrive in a culture that values...

- Collaboration and teamwork to share and work together to solve challenges
- Support continuous development through mentorship, training and hands-on experience
- Flexible and hybrid environment
- The possibility of taking ownership to improve security
- Diverse perspectives and backgrounds

Playtech’s Security Team
Our team plays a key role in protecting online gaming sites and services by assuring the safety and resilience of people, infrastructure and applications. Within our team, you will acquire overall expertise of Playtech’s structure and products, while never having a routine day.


Kandideerimine kestab kandideerimisperioodi lõpuni.

07.03.2025 - 22.03.2025