Praktika / Töökoht

QA Engineer (Intern)

IT - muu
Tasustatud praktika
Playtech Estonia
Töökoha aadress
Lõõtsa 5, Tallinn, Estonia
Nõutav keeleoskus

Töösisu kirjeldus

Ready to level up your career?

Playtech’s Cross Product Solutions unit is looking for a proactive QA Engineer Intern with excellent communication and problem-solving skills.

NB! The application period is open until the 22nd of March. 

Your influential mission. You will...

- Support System QA team in testing new Playtech business solutions (system testing using manual black box methods)
- Acquire insight into QA processes in a global company
- Support the development of our team and processes
- Communicate daily with business and technical teams within Playtech and outside the company with mentor’s support
- Be an aspiring full-time team member from day one

Ootused kandidaadile

Components for success. You...

- Are positive and proactive, pay attention to details and are curious by nature
- Are ready, willing and able to ask questions
- Have great written & spoken English
- Are independent and ready to take ownership of your tasks
- Embrace teamwork, focus on collaboration and active inquiry
- Have a basic understanding of how web applications work
- Are able to handle fast context switching



In addition to your resume, please choose one topic below and describe your experience regarding it briefly (max 250 words). You can write it in the comment section at the end of the application page (under "Your message to the hiring manager") or add it as a separate file. 

I found a bug or a defect.
A challenging project that required my communication/organization skills.
I had to adapt to changing priorities (e.g., unexpected challenges).

Our team is part of Playtech Cross Product Solutions unit that provides technical support for Playtech business projects by working with different parties within Playtech and with external customers.
SQA team plays a key role in launching new online gaming sites and services by providing end-to-end testing with a focus on Playtech's products’ internal and external integrations. Within our team, you will acquire expertise in Playtech’s structure, products, and processes, while never having a routine day.
Working with us gives a great starting point for diverse career paths in Playtech or wider software industry.


Kandideerimine kestab kandideerimisperioodi lõpuni.

07.03.2025 - 22.03.2025