Praktika / Töökoht

Quality Assurance Laboratory Intern

Inseneeria - muu
Tasustatud praktika
Töökoha aadress
Aruküla tee 83, Jüri
Nõutav keeleoskus

Töösisu kirjeldus

In this role, you will have the opportunity to gain vocational experience through a temporary work placement. Each day, you will acquire knowledge by performing tasks as directed. You will also showcase your expertise by supporting ABB’s operations and enhancing personal education/employment opportunities.

The work model for the role is: onsite #LI-Onsite
This role is contributing to the Motion Drives Business in Jüri.

You will be mainly accountable for:
• Analysis of factory failures and components
• Support QA lab processes establishment and creating documentation for them
• Support in analysis of field and testing-related cases

Ootused kandidaadile

Currently pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in Electrical Engineering or Mechatronics
Self-motivated, comfortable working in a team environment or on your own
Ability to read basic electrical drawings
Demonstrable detail orientation, problem analysis, and systematic troubleshooting skills
Must want to work with technology and be a hands-on person
Good written and spoken English skills


ABB offers:
• Paid internship lasting 3-6 months
• Wide range of learning and development opportunities
• Responsible and interesting work in an international company
• Good working environment and working conditions
• Various benefits offered by ABB and partner companies


Kandideerimine kestab kandideerimisperioodi lõpuni.

11.02.2025 - 16.03.2025