Praktika / Töökoht


Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Töökoha aadress
Akadeemia tee 3
Nõutav keeleoskus
Eesti, Inglise

Töösisu kirjeldus

LIFE-COMET primarily aims to create community energy (CE) coalitions which will foster the collaboration of key stakeholders. It will engage in a series of actions with the aim of simplifying the procedures and creating better conditions through collective advocacy efforts, thus enabling and stimulating the citizens to participate in the CE projects. More specifically the project will:
• Form community energy coalitions by identifying, engaging and empowering relevant national CE stakeholders;
• Explore local specificities to create a better understanding for CE-related engagement and then create favorable framework conditions and improved market conditions through coalitions’ advocacy, development of tools, methodologies and technical support for catalyzing new CE initiatives;
• Build on top of and complement the existing networks, platforms and projects with an innovative and comprehensive approach to tackling the specificities of CE hurdles in Eastern EU;
• Replicate and disseminate the developed tools, methodologies, experiences and business models, thus scaling up the impact and further increasing the number of CE initiatives in Estonia.

The applicants are expected to engage in the implementation of the aforementioned activities as well as handle the administration of the project.

During the project, the successful applicants would work towards three goals:
• First, understand the institutional and regal framework currently set in place in Estonia regarding the potential for energy communities. Locate relevant stakeholders nationally and establish connections in order to form a coalition for the promotion and support of energy communities in Estonia;
• Second, engage in field work activities which would include awareness raising in communities regarding energy communities both in an urban and rural context. Additionally, to provide assistance in the setup of energy communities;
• Third, to engage in the administration of the project in accordance to the EU’s and the university’s directions.

Ootused kandidaadile

A successful candidate should have:
• A minimum of Bachelor’s degree in social sciences, business administration or electrical engineering;
• Excellent command of Estonian and English;
• Proven work experience in community engagement and dissemination activities;
• Capacity to work both independently and as part of an international team;
• Capacity and willingness to provide assistance in organizational/reporting tasks relevant to the projects.


We offer:
• Up to 20-months working in one of the largest, most internationalized and leading social science research centres in Estonia with a large portfolio of ongoing pan-European and national public administration, digital governance and innovation studies projects;
• Opportunities for traveling in accordance to project duties;
• Experience and connections in working with top-level institutions on EU level on topics including community energy, energy transition;
• The exact workload will be negotiated during the hiring process. Tasks and salary will be adjusted according to the project’s needs after a probationary period. The position will be financed by the European Union's LIFE CET 2022 programme (grant agreement No 101120519).

• Work time: Part time work
• Workload: 0.5

• A letter of motivation;
• Curriculum vitae.

For further information, please contact Dr Chris Giotitsas ( or visit Ragnar Nurkse innovatsiooni ja valitsemise instituut | Tallinna Tehnikaülikool (TalTech)


Kandideerimine kestab kandideerimisperioodi lõpuni.

04.03.2025 - 20.03.2025