Praktika / Töökoht

Software Engineer (Intern)

Playtech Estonia
Töökoha aadress
Vanemuise 7, Tartu / Lõõtsa 5, Tallinn
Nõutav keeleoskus

Töösisu kirjeldus

Ready to level up your career?

Playtech’s Information Management System (IMS) unit is looking for Java Developers to our paid Summer Internship 2025!

Your influential mission. You will...

- Improve the existing codebase and documentation
- Assist your team in solving problems and hunting down bugs
- Write and maintain automated tests
- Be a full-time team member from day one

Ootused kandidaadile

Components for success. You...

- Have a basic understanding of object-oriented programming concepts and some experience in writing Java code
- Possess a general understanding of databases and associated technologies
- Are ambitious and motivated to learn new and sophisticated concepts
- Have the ability to work effectively in an English-speaking environment

You'll get extra points for...

- Having knowledge of any specific tools, libraries, or protocols
- Having good communication & collaboration skills


Thrive in a culture that values...

- Empowerment, support, and mentoring
- Constant learning and development opportunities
- Active lifestyle and mental well-being
- Fun company events 

NB! The application period is open until the 22nd of March. 

Information Management System (IMS)
The award-winning IMS is the industry’s most compelling player management system and the power behind Playtech's entire product portfolio, providing the tools needed to run and manage every aspect of our online gaming operations.


Kandideerimine kestab kandideerimisperioodi lõpuni.

07.03.2025 - 22.03.2025