Praktika / Töökoht

System Security Engineer (intern)

IT - muu
IT arendus
Tasustatud praktika
Playtech Estonia
Töökoha aadress
Vanemuise 7, Tartu / Lõõtsa 5, Tallinn
Nõutav keeleoskus

Töösisu kirjeldus

Ready to level up your career?

Playtech‘s Security unit is looking for a System Security Engineer (Intern) with good understanding of IT and Security concepts, pro-activeness and ability to analyze technical issues.

NB! The application period is open until the 22nd of March.

Your influential mission. You will...

- Help Playtech Security to run security vulnerability scans
- Evaluate the security risk of servers, network appliances and software
- Provide updated reports and documentation on security posture
- Work with different teams within Playtech on feedback on reports and mitigation plans

Ootused kandidaadile

Components for success. You…

- Have an academic background of cyber security or IT studies (or equivalent of professional courses)
- Understand domains of IT such as operation systems, networking, change management, etc.
- Have an experience with IT system configurations and/or installations (servers, appliances, etc.) at least on lab environment
- Possess good communication skills and ability to work effectively in an English-speaking environment
- Learn quickly (both theoretical and practical skills) and own strong analysis skills

You'll get extra points for...

- Some working experience (outside of educational institutes)
- Experience with vulnerability scanners or other types of IT scanning tools
- A mindset of enabling business through security
- Hands-on expertise in system or network administration
- Good negotiation skills


Thrive in a culture that values...

- Professional and friendly team environment, where you could learn from your experienced co-workers
- Providing self-development and personal growth opportunities
- Working with leading technology and engaging challenges
- Global scope and inclusive working environment

We are in charge of assuring that Playtech information and operations is kept secure, available and usable - thousands of users, networks and services, a cool System Security team and a lot of passion about what we do.

Playtech is an equal opportunities employer. Our mission is to welcome everyone and create inclusive teams. We celebrate differences and encourage everyone to join us and be themselves at work.


Kandideerimine kestab kandideerimisperioodi lõpuni.

07.03.2025 - 22.03.2025